



2014-08-14 16:09:12来源:新东方在线编辑整理



  Researchers at Stanford University are now developing software to help people become aware that they are having a dream so that they can then live out their fantasies during REM sleep. During lucid dreams, people are “awake” within their dreams, and can sometimes direct what happens next in the dream. With enough practice you can fly, visit exotic places, experience vivid colors, or eat all the ice cream you want, all without taking your head off the pillow.

  Being awake during a dream may seem like a contradiction, but to those involved in lucid dream research, it’s all, well, crystal clear. “Lucid dreaming lets you make use of the dream state that comes to you every night to have a stimulating reality,” said Dr. Stephen LaBerge, founder of the Lucidity Institute at Stanford University. LaBerge said that controlling dreams can also have therapeutic value. Potentially, he said, people can overcome nightmares that haunt them repeatedly. It may even help a person improve in sports, enhance self-confidence or confront problems that elude being solved in waking life.

  Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, a book co-authored by LaBerge and Howard Rheingold, is one of many books to help would-be lucid dreamers get started. The book asks that you learn to recognize “dreamsigns,” or signals within a dream that alert you to your altered state. One common dreamsign: elements within your dream are out of context. Objects are not where they belong within a room, or certain people are in locations they normally wouldn’t be—how often do your parents drop in at the office?

  The Lucidity Institute’s NovaDreamer includes a mask that tracks eye movement to recognize when you’re in REM as well as to determine the amount of time you take to get to sleep. Depending on how you configure NovaDreamer (a determination made partially on the basis of how light or heavy a sleeper you are), the NovaDreamer flashes a series of red lights into your (hopefully closed) eyes, providing yet another signal that you are dreaming and can now do whatever you please in the dream.

  LaBerge’s research indicates that when a person does something in their dreams, the experience may be closer to reality than you’d think. Early experiments show that lucid dreamers have a good comprehension of time while dreaming. Researchers that asked lucid dreamers to move their eyes in a specific pattern, and then repeat the pattern 10 seconds later, found they did so in about the correct amount of time. LaBerge said dreaming of doing something causes the same reaction in your brain waves as actually doing it. During REM sleep, says LaBerge, “the brain is working full-tilt, yet it is disconnected from the outside world. If you dream of doing a long jump, your brain reacts the same way it would if you actually did it.”

  1. Lucid dreamers can.

  [A] be in a state of full awakeness [B] take charge of their subconsious life

  [C] control their body movement [D] walk and talk in their sleep

  2. Reserchers seem to believe that.

  [A] real life problems can be solved in lucid dreams [B] it is easy to get people into lucid-dream state

  [C] controlling dreams may change a person’s character [D] lucid dreams can be changed in their courses at will

  3. LaBerge wrote the book to.

  [A] teach people how to have a lucid dream [B] help people understand the nature of dreams

  [C] guide people to alter between dream and reality [D] classify the signals within dreams

  4. According to the passage, the NovaDreamer is.

  [A] a timer to measure the time it takes to fall asleep [B] a machine to induce lucid dreams

  [C] an electronic book about lucid dreams [D] a software of monitoring lucid dreams

  5. What can be inferred from the passage?

  [A] Lucid dreams have been used to cure illness. [B] Lucid dreams are very close to real life.

  [C] Lucid dreaming is an inborn ability. [D] There is a mind-body connection in lucid dreams.

  答案:1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D


  (1)live out (sth.) 实践(以前想要做的事),如to live out your dreams/fantasies实现梦想/幻想;(以某种方式)度过余生,如He lived out his days alone(他独自度过余生)。





  (6)alert(v.)向……报警;使警觉;使戒备;(sb. to sth.)使意识到,使认识到


  (8)tilt(n.)倾斜;(意欲赢得某物或战胜某人的)企图,尝试,如have a ~ at the world championship(问鼎世界冠军);at (full) ~ 全速,尽快













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