



2015-03-03 18:25:29来源:网络



  国民生产总值 gross national product (GNP)

  国内生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)

  国内游 inbound tourism

  过山车 roller coaster

  国事访问 state visit

  过失赔偿责任;无过失赔偿责任 liability with fault;liability without fault

  过失责任 liability of fault

  国书 state credentials

  国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace

  国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources

  国土资源管理 land and resources administration

  国外旅游 overseas travel

  国务卿 Secretary Of State (in America)

  过硬 have a perfect mastery of

  过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

  国有独资商业银行 wholly state-funded commercial bank

  国有股 state-owned shares

  国有股减持 state stock reduction; reduce state's stake in listed companies

  国有及国有控股工业企业 state-owned industrial enterprises and enterprises whose controlling stake was owned by the state

  国有企业股份制改革继续推进 fresh progress was made in transforming state-owned enterprises into stock companies

  国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障向失业保险并轨 integrate the subsistence allowances for laid-off workers into the unemployment insurance system

  国有商业银行股份制改造试点方案 pilot plan to transform state-owned commercial banks into stock entities

  国有资产管理体制 State property management system

  国有资产监督管理委员会 the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

  国有资产流失 loss of state-owned assets

  国债贴息贷款 T-bond discount loans

  国债投资 treasury bond investment

  国债专项资金 special fund for treasury bond

  国债资金重点项目责任制 the responsibility system for key projects funded by treasury bonds

  果子狸 civet cat

  国家计划和财政政策、货币政策等相互配合的宏观调控体系 the macro-economic regulation system by integrating State planning with fiscal and monetary policies

  国家审判权 the judicial authority of the State

  国际部队 international forces

  国际关系民主化 practice democracy in international relations

  国际社会 international community

  国情 national conditions

  国务委员 state councilor

  国务院令 Decree of the State Council

  国务院通知 Circular of the State Council

  国有商业银行 State-owned commercial bank

  基本国策 basic state policy; basic national policy

  基本国情 fundamental realities of the country

  基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系 establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban andrural areas

  基本路线要管一百年 The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come.

  基本人权 fundamental human rights

  基本养老金社会化发放 retirees receive their basic pension through social security channels

  基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system

  基本月租费 basic monthly fee (charges)

  基层工作 grass-roots work

  基层监督 grass-roots supervision

  基层民主 democracy at the grassroots level

  基层文化建设 primary-level cultural undertakings

  基层组织 organizations at the grass-roots level, primary-level organization

  机场建设费 airport construction fee

  既成事实 fait accompli (noun)

  继承税 inheritance tax

  基础产业 basic industry

  基础教育 basic education

  基础设施建设 infrastructure construction

  基础设施 infrastructure

  基础税率 base tariff level

  记大过 record a serious demerit

  鸡蛋碰石头 like an egg striking a rock; attack… stronger than oneself

  基地组织 al-Qaeda group

  机电产品 mechanical and electrical product

  缉毒 investigate drug smuggling; capture drug smugglers

  (日本银行主持的)季度短观调查报告 Tankan survey

  缉毒队 narcotics squad

  计费方法/ 按秒计费/ 按分计费 Calculating telephone fees/ per-second calculation/ per-minute calculation

  急功近利 eager for instant success and quick profits

  技工贸结合的科技型企业 scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development with industrial and trade development

  机构重叠 organizational overlapping

  机构改革 institutional reform; streamlining; institutional restructuring

  机构投资者 institutional investor

  机构臃肿 overstaffing in organizations (government)

  激光唱片 compact disc; laser record; laser disc

  激光打印机 laser printer

  激光导航 laser navigation

  激光通信 laser communication

  计划单列市 city specifically designated in the state plan

  计划经济 planned economy

  计划内招生 planned enrollment

  计划生育责任制 responsibility system of family planning

  机会成本 opportunity cost

  积极防御 active defense






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