



2015-11-04 16:17:00来源:新东方在线



  I. Phrase Translation

  文化体制改革:cultural system reform;reform of the cultural system

  民族凝聚力:national cohesion

  文化兴国战略:the strategy of invigorating China through culture

  做大做强新闻传媒产业:to make a healthy and powerful news media industry

  加强诚信建设:to promote integrity in the civil society

  社会事业:social undertaking;social programs; social enterprise; Social Business;social services

  发挥各地特色和优势:fully tap the distinctive strengths of each region; to optimize local distinctive strengths

  扎实推进教育公平:make solid progress in making education more equitable

  外资企业法:Law on Foreign-funded Enterprises

  高等教育法:Higher Education Act

  商标法:Trademark Law

  一次性生活补贴:lump-sum living allowances

  聘任:contract-based appointment;engage; appoint to a position

  基层锻炼:Temper oneself in grass-roots unit;have community-level working experience; get tempered on a community-level post

  计算机软件保护条例:Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software

  II. Passage translation

  Section A English to Chinese

  1,Rights of reproduction, distribution, and display. The author of a work possesses, at the beginning, a bundle of rights that collectively make up copyright. They belong originally to the author, who can sell, rent, give away, will, or transfer them in some other way, individually or as a package, to whomever the author wishes. When a work is to be published, the author normally transfers some or all of these rights to the publisher, by formal agreement. Two of these right are basic from the publisher’s point of view: the right to make copies of the work( traditionally by printing and now often by digital reproduction) and the right to distribute such copies to the public – in sum, to publish the work. In the case of online publishing, reproduction and distribution blend into the act of transmitting the works. A work is publicly displayed when made viewable online; if the user downloads or prints out the material concerned, a distribution of a copy also occurs.

  2, Derivative work and performance rights. A fourth and very important right is the right is the right to make what the law terms derivative works – that is, works based on or derive from the original work, such as translations, abridgments, dramatizations, or other adaptations. A revised edition of a published work is generally noticeably different enough from the prior edition to qualify as derivative work with a separate copyright. The fifth basic copyright right, the right of public performance, has only limited relevance for literary works as such; it applies, for example, when a poet gives a public reading of a poem. However, it has great significance for other works, such as motion pictures, that may spring from literary works.

  Section B Chinese to English




  参考译文:Four decades ago here, the United Nations held the first conference on the human environment. It adopted an epoch-making document, the Declaration on the Human Environment and the Action Plan for the Human Environment, and made a resounding appeal – “Only One Earth”. That conference awakened mankind to the environmental issue and ushered in a new era of sustainable development. Since then, environmental protection and sustainable development have become a high priority on the agenda of the Chinese government. Today, as we commemorate that historic conference and as the call of the Declaration comes to mind again, we cannot but all the more marvel at the vision of our predecessors and be more keenly aware of the major responsibilities that we, the present generation, have on our shoulders.

  China is committed to pursuing sustainable development. As a matter of fact, sustainable development is embodied in China’s traditional values. Over 2,000 years ago, Chinese philosophers called for maintaining “unity between heaven and man” and following “the law of nature” so as to achieve harmony between man and nature. As we see it, this is the ultimate goal for us in pursuing sustainable development. Over the past 40 years, China has attended all the international conferences which were crucial in shaping and enriching the concept of sustainable development. China takes resources conservation and environmental protection as a state policy and pursues sustainable development as a national strategy. Entering the 21st century, China is pursuing economic and social development under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, a fundamental principle which calls for putting people first and promoting balanced and sustainable development in all areas.

  China believes that a commitment, once made, must be honored. In the past 40 years, with rich practices in promoting sustainable development, China has honored its commitment both to its own people and to the international community. It has instituted the most stringent systems for managing farmland and water resources, and fed one fifth of the global population with less than 10% of the world’s farmland and only 28% of the world’s per capita water resources. China has carried out afforestation for decades, with coverage now reaching 620,000 square kilometers.






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