



2015-11-04 16:18:08来源:新东方在线



  I. Phrase Translation

  OEM: 原始设备制造商(Original Equipment Manufacturer)

  FTP: 文件传输协议(file transfer protocol)

  Shipping Order: 装货单;订舱单

  ETA: 预计到达时间(eatimated time of arrival)

  Consignee: 收件人;受托人

  CPI: 消费物价指数(Consumer price index)

  DPI: 每英寸点数(dots per inch);分辨率;解析度

  EMF:欧洲货币基金(European Monetary Fund);欧洲货币基金组织

  Exchange Rate Mechanism: 汇率机制;汇率体制;外汇兑换体系

  Financial Year:财政年度;会计年度

  ICB:国际竞争性招标(international competitive bidding)

  OPEC:石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

  APEC:亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

  CAAC:中国民用航空局(Civil Aviation Administration Of China)

  AID:国际开发总署(Agency for International Development)


  信访办:Complaints office

  做好就业、社保等方面的工作: deliver good results in terms of employment, social security, etc./make good work of employment, social security, etc.

  促进流通业发展:Promoting the Development of the Circulation Industry

  事业单位: public institution

  提高出生人口质量:improve the health of newborns;advance the population quality

  创新型国家:innovation-oriented country; innovative country

  优化经济结构:optimize the economic structure

  建设社会主义新农村:building a new socialist countryside

  农业政策的稳定性:The stability of agricultural policy

  全面建设小康社会:build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects

  基层民主:democracy at the grassroots level;grass-roots democracy

  粮食安全:food security

  社会事业:social undertaking;social programs; social enterprise; social Business

  农民工: migrant workers; rural migrant workers

  II. English to Chinese translation

  This book is , inessence, a user’s guide to academic life, conceived for those consiering taking up a career in the traitional academic disciplines – seniors in college, perhaps, or others thinking about going into graduate school – as well as those who have already started out along that path, which is to say, men and women working on a Ph.D and those already with appointments as assistant professors at college or a university. Some of our remarks be of interest to others as well: senior professors who are interested in other perspectives on the academic scene, confused and be wilere parents of junior academics, professional advisors, spouses of graduate students and junior faculty, and laymen interested in learning about the mysteries of academic. Foreign stuents who are thinking abbout acquiring an American graduate school education will certainly profit from reading this book.

  Our backgrouns are in the humanities and the social sciences, and our views naturally reflect our own experiences, observations, and what we have learned in the course of our careers. We believe there is sufficient overlap among the various acedemic disciplines to make valid generalizations possible. As teachers, we have often been asked to offer advice over and over again. We’ve written this book in response to what we felt was a real need for information. We chose the format of an extended conversation, much like conversations that we have actually had on many occasions with those who have sought us out to discuss their aspirations, hopes, fears, an problems. The question-and-answer format emphasizes that we are speaking in this book much as we would during our office hours or over coffee in the departmental lounge. Although the questions in boldface are our constructions, for the most part they are questions we’ve often heard or can imagine our readers might want to ask if they could.

  – Preface to The Chicago Guide to Your Acaemic Career






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