



2015-11-20 09:54:16来源:网络



  condemn /kEn5dem/ v [T] 谴责;指责:We all condemn cruelty to children. 我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为。

  dishonour /dIs5CnE(r)/ v [T]违反;违背:Union leaders accused management of dishonouring existing pay agreements. 工会领导人指责资方违反了现有的工资协议。

  enter into sth 达成协议,合同等:Some local authorities have entered into partnership with private companies. 有的地方当局与私营企业结成了合作关系。

  vision /vIVn/ n [C] 构想;设想:He had a clear vision of how he hoped the company would develop. 他对自己希望公司如何发展有清晰的设想。

  defy /dI5faI/ v [T] 违抗;蔑视:They defied their parents and got married. 他们违抗父母的意愿而结婚了。

  withdraw /wIT5drR/ v [T] 收回;撤回:After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation. 几经劝说他同意收回辞呈。

  apparently /E5pArEntlI/ adv 似乎;看来:Apparently they are getting divorced. 看样子他们要离婚了。

  provoke /prE5vEUk/ v [T] 激起,导致(某种感情等):The decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations. 这一决定挑起了民权组织的抗议风波。

  justified /5dVQstIfaId/ adj 正当的;合理的: As the goods were damaged, she felt fully justified in asking for her money back. 因商品损坏,她认为有充足理由要求退款。

  outrage /5aUtreIdV/ n [U] 义愤;愤慨:When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage. 获悉此事,他义愤填膺。

  renege on sth 违约;背信:The government had reneged on its election promises. 政府已经违背了竞选诺言。

  commitment /kE5mItmEnt/ n [C] I cannot make such a commitment at the moment. 此刻我不能作出这样的承诺。

  abide by sth 遵守某事物;忠于某事物:abide by a promise 遵守诺言

  regulation /9regjU5leIFn/ n [C] 规章;法规;条例:safety/traffic regulations 安全/交通规则

  precisely /prI5saIslI/ adv精确地;恰好:That is precisely what I mean. 那正是我的意思。

  constitutionality /9kCnstI5tju:FEnAlEtI/ n [U] 符合宪法;合宪性:The high court will rule on the constitutionality of the new law. 高等法院将对这条新法规的合宪性做出裁决。

  desperate /5despErEt/ adj孤注一掷的;奋力作最后一搏(以寻求获救)的:a desperate attempt to save the family business拯救家族事业的孤注一掷的尝试

  stunning /stQnIN/ adj 令人惊奇的;令人震惊的:He suffered a stunning defeat in the election. 他在选举中惨败。

  surface /s\:fIs/ v [I] 引起注意;公开化:The row first surfaced two years ago. 这场争论最初在两年前就引起了人们的注意。

  aging /eIdVIN/ adj 变旧的;陈旧的:aging equipment 老化的设备

  reactor /rI5AktE(r)/ n [C] 反应堆:build nuclear reactor 建立核反应堆

  condition /kEn5dIFn/ n [C] 条件:He was allowed to go out, but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight. 他父母允许他出去, 但规定他要在午夜前回家。

  approval /E5pru:vl/ n [U] 赞成;同意;批准:The committee gave its approval to our plan. 委员会批准了我们的计划。

  permission /pE5mIFn/ n [U] 许可;批准;同意:She refused to give her permission. 她拒不同意。

  operate /5CpEreIt/ v [T] 经营;管理:They operate three factories and a huge warehouse. 他们管著三家工厂和一个大仓库。

  past /pB:st/ prep 晚于……;在……之后:It was past midnight when we got home. 我们到家时已过半夜。

  extension /Ik5stenFn/ n [C] 延长期;放宽的期限:an extension of summer holidays 暑假的延长

  be subject to sth 取决于……;视……而定:The plan is subject to the director's approval. 该计划须经主管批准。

  legislature /5ledVIsleItFE(r);/ n [C] She is the youngest woman to be elected to the national legislature. 她是获选入国家立法机构的最年轻女性。

  go along 遵照……的建议;追随……的做法:Whatever Ed said, Max went right along. 埃德说什么马克斯就做什么。

  intend to do sth 打算做某事;想要做某事:I hear they intend to marry. 听说他们要结婚了。

  live by 按照;遵守: That is a philosophy I could live by. 那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。

  foresee /fR:5si:/ v [T] 预见;预料:He foresaw that the job would take a long time.他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间。

  string /strIN/ n [C] 成列或成行的人;一连串的事物:a string of wins 一连串的胜利

  collapse /kE5lAps/ n [U] 突然倒下;倒塌:An earthquake caused the collapse of the hotel.地震把旅馆震塌了。

  cooling tower 冷凝塔

  raise /reIz/ v [T] 引起;使(某事物)产生或出现:The way the research was carried out raises doubts about the results. 这项研究的操作方法令人们对研究结果产生怀疑。

  leakage /li:kIdV/ n [C,U] 渗漏;泄露:We are saving water by reducing leakage. 我们靠减少渗漏节水。

  misleading /mIs5li:dIN/ adj 骗人的;误导人的:The brochure was extremely misleading about the cost of the holiday. 宣传手册上的度假费用完全是骗人的。

  enrage /In5reIdV/ v [T] 使非常愤怒;激怒:His arrogance enraged her. 他很傲慢,她因此十分恼怒。

  vote against 投票反对: Did you vote for or against her? 你投了她的赞成票还是反对票。

  invalid /In5vAlId/ adj 法律上不承认的;无效的:A passport that is out of date is invalid. 护照过期是无效的。

  legislation /9ledVIs5leIFn/ n [U] New legislation is to be introduced to help single-parent families. 新法规即将实施以帮助单亲家庭。

  regulatory /5regjUleItErI/ adj 管理的;控制的:New drugs have been approved by the regulatory authority. 新药已经得到监管机构的批准。

  obscure /Eb5skjUE(r)/ adj 模糊的;不清楚的:Is the meaning still obscure to you? 你觉得意思仍然不清楚吗?

  whereas /9weEr5Az/ conj 尽管:Whereas the city spent over $1 billion on its museums and stadium, it failed to look after its schools. 这个城市花了10亿美元建造博物馆和体育馆,但是它却忽略了校园建设。

  precedent /presIdEnt/ n [C] 先例:set a precedent 开创一个先例

  extend /Ik5stend/ v [I] 涉及(范围);延伸(距离):The road extends for miles and miles. 这条路向远处绵延伸展。

  patchwork /5pAtFw\:k/ n [U] 拼凑的东西:The area was a patchwork of local industries. 该地区是本地各色企业的集中地。

  debate /dI5beIt/ n [C,U] 考虑;思考:The conference passed the proposal with little debate. 大会不加什么考虑就通过了提议。

  beside the point 离题;不相干: His political interests are beside the point. 他的政治观点无关紧要。

  have nothing to lose (即使不成功也)不会损失什么,不会变得更糟:You might as well apply ofr the job, you have got nothing to lose. 你不妨申请这份工作,你不会损失什么的。

  go to war with sb与某人开战:The country finally decided to go to war with the enemy. 该国最终决定与敌军开战。

  consequence /5kCnsIkwEns/ n [C] 后果;影响:You must accept the full consequences of your behaviour. 你必须承担你的行为所引起的全部后果。

  pledge /pledV/ v [T] 发誓;作保证:The new governor pledged to reduce crime. 新州长保证要减少犯罪。






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