



2015-11-20 15:37:59来源:网络



  I. Phrase Translation

  新能源汽车: New Energy Vehicles; green car

  新型农村合作医疗: New Rural Cooperative Medical Care

  广播电视网: broadcasting TV networks; Next Generation Broadcasting network

  工伤保险: employment injury insurance; work-related injury insurance; work injury insurance

  中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会: the 18th national congress of the communist party of china

  学前教育三年行动计划: A three-year action plan for preschool education

  纪念辛亥革命100周年大会: commemorate the centennial anniversary of the 1911 Revolution

  收入分配制度改革总体方案:master plan for deepening reform of the income distribution system

  文化逆差: cultural deficit; Culture Shock

  纽约证券交易所: New York Stock Exchange

  循环经济: Circular Economy; recycling economy

  诺贝尔文学奖: Nobel Prize in Literature

  2012 中国上海国际食品安全博览会: International food safety Exhibition 2012 Shanghai, China

  中等收入陷阱: middle-income trap

  中共中央政治局常务委员会:Central Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China

  Over-the-counter(OTC) drugs:非处方药

  Long-term government bonds:长期公债

  U.S Treasury Secretary:美国财政部长

  easy money policy:宽松的货币政策


  the Association of Southeast Asian Nation(ASEAN):东南亚国家联盟(东盟)

  Richter scale:里克特震级(测量地震强度的标准);里氏震级

  secret ballot:无记名投票

  tax evasion and avoidance:偷税避税

  Defending champion:卫冕冠军

  E111: 欧洲健康保险卡(European Health Insurance Card)

  Corporate social responsibility:企业社会责任

  Capacity building:能力建设;能力建构

  polycrystalline silicon:多晶硅

  negotiated bidding:谈判招标


  II. Passage translation

  Section A English to Chinese

  1,After more than 30 years of rapid growth, China has reached another turning point in its development path when a second strategic, and no less fundamental, shift is called for. The 12th Five Year Plan provides an excellent start. This report combines its key elements to design a longer-term strategy that extends to 2030. More importantly, it focuses on the “how,” not just the “what.” Six important messages emerge from the analysis:

  First, implement structural reforms to strengthen the foundations for a market-based economy by redefining the role of government,reforming and restructuring stateenterprises and banks, developing the privatesector, promoting competition, and deepeningreforms in the land, labor, and financialmarkets. As an economy approaches the technology frontier and exhausts the potential for acquiring and applying technology from abroad, the role of the government and its relationship to markets and the private sector need to change fundamentally. While providing relatively fewer “tangible” public goods and services directly, the government will need to provide more intangiblepublic goods and services like systems,rules, and policies, which increase production efficiency, promote competition, facilitate specialization, enhance the efficiency of resource allocation, protect the environment, and reduce risks and uncertainties.

  Second, accelerate the pace of innovation and create an open innovation system in which competitive pressures encourage Chinese firms to engage in product and process innovation not only through their own research and development but also by participatingin global research and developmentnetworks. China has already introduced a range of initiatives in establishing a research and development infrastructure and is far ahead of most other developing countries. Its priority going forward is to increase the quality of research and development, rather than just quantity. To achieve this, policy makers will need to focus on: increasing the technical and cognitive skills of university graduatesand building a few world-class researchuniversities with strong links to industry; fostering“innovative cities” that bring togetherhigh-quality talent, knowledge networks,dynamic firms, and learning institutions, andallow them to interact without restriction;and increasing the availability of patient riskcapital for start-up private firms.

  Third, seize the opportunity to “go green” through a mix of market incentives, regulations,public investments, industrial policy,and institutional development. Encouraging green development and increased efficiency of resource use is expected to not only improve the level of well-being and sustain rapid growth, but also address China’s manifold environmental challenges. The intention is to encourage new investments in a range of low-pollution, energy-and resource-efficient industries that would lead to greener development, spur investments in related upstream and downstream manufacturing and services, and build international competitive advantage in a global sunrise industry. These policies have the potential to succeed, given China’s many advantages—its large market size that will allow rapid scaling up of successful technologies to achieve economies of scale and reduced unit costs, a high investment rate that will permit rapid replacement of old, inefficient, and environmentally damaging capital stock; its growing and dynamic private sectorthat will respond to new signals from government,provided it gets access to adequate levelsof finance.

  参考译文:在经历30多年高速增长之后,中国在发展上已经到达另一个转折点,需要再一次进行根本性战略转变。“十二五”规划是一个良好开端。在融汇其主要内容的基础上,本报告提出了直到 2030 年的长期战略。重要的是,本报告着重阐述“如何做”而不仅仅是“做什么”。研究引出了如下六条重要结论。




  Section B Chinese to English

  关中民俗艺术博物院坐落在秦岭终南山世界地质公园中心地带和隋唐佛教圣地南五台山脚下,东接翠华山,南拥五台山,西邻草堂寺,北瞰长安城,占地493.88亩、规划建筑面积10.8万平方米,计划总投资人民币5.7亿元,是以民俗文化遗产抢救、保护、收藏、研究和展示为主的大型文化旅游项目。整体建筑呈明、清园林风格,气势恢宏,古朴典雅。博物院抢救、保护、珍藏了周秦汉唐以来历代的民俗文化遗产33600多件。形成了民间艺术、关中民居、民俗风情、名人字画四大系列藏品。从不同层面集中地反映了关中地区各族人民在不同历史时期民俗历史风貌,被国内外学者誉为“民族文化的基因仓和标本库”。8600多根精美的拴马桩一起精美的石雕工艺引人注目,极大地丰富了我国民间石刻艺术宝库,被誉为“地上兵马俑”。博物院被列为陕西省“十二五”重大建设项目,被 国家文化部命名为“国家文化产业示范基地”,现为国家4A级旅游景区,一成为陕西独具特色的民俗文化旅游景观。






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