



2015-11-23 13:49:38来源:网络



  I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30 points)

  1. DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid)

  2. FTP: 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)

  3. FAO: 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

  4. GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

  5. SCO: 上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)

  6. GATT: 关税及贸易总协定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

  7. WSPA: 世界动物保护协会(World Society for the Protection of Animals)

  8. WIPO: 世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

  9. CAFTA: 东盟自由贸易区(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area)

  10. UNHRC: 联合国人权理事会(United Nations Human Rights Council)

  11. World Anti-Doping Agency: 世界反兴奋剂组织

  12. International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups: 生物多样性国际合作组

  13, Synchronous Earth Observatory Satellite: 同步地球观测卫星

  14. agent ad litem: 诉讼代理人

  15. export tax refunding system: 出口退税制

  16.《论语》: The Analects of Confucius

  17. 佛教: Buddhism

  18. 核威慑: nuclear deterrent

  19. 收视率: audience rating

  20. 京剧脸谱: Peking Opera Make-ups;Beijing Opera Facial Masks; Peking Opera mask

  21. 温室效应:green-house effect

  22. 电脑动画:computer animation

  23. 保税港区:bonded port (area); Free Trade Port Area

  24. 法人实体:legal entity; Corporate entity

  25. 次贷危机:subprime (mortgage) crisis

  26. 领土完整:territorial integrity

  27. 博鳌亚洲论坛:Boao Forum for Asia

  28. 空气污染指数:air pollution index

  29. 黑社会性质组织:mafia-like criminal gangs; Crimes committed by Mafia-like gang; underworld organization

  30. 和平共处五项原则:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120 points)

  Source Text 1: (60 points)

  For nearly two years, China’s turbocharged economy has raced ahead with the aid of a huge government stimulus program and aggressive lending by state-run banks. But a growing number of economists now worry that China — the world’s fastest growing economy and a pillar of strength during the global financial crisis — could be stalled next year by soaring inflation, mounting government debt and asset bubbles. Two credit ratings agencies, Moody’s and Fitch Ratings, say China is still poised for growth, yet they have also recently warned about hidden risks in its banking system. Fitch even hinted at the possibility of another wave of nonperforming loans tied to the property market. In the late 1990s and early this decade, the Chinese government was forced to bail out and recapitalize these same state-run banks because a soaring number of bad loans had left them nearly insolvent. Those banks are much stronger now, after a series of record public stock offerings in recent years that have raised billions of dollars from global investors. But last week, an analyst at the Royal Bank of Scotland advised clients to hedge against the risk that a flood of cash into China, coupled with soaring inflation, could result in a “day of reckoning.” A sharp slowdown in China, which is growing at an annual rate of about 10 percent, would be a serious blow to the global economy since China’s voracious demand for natural resources is helping to prop up growth in Asia and South America, even as the United States and the European Union struggle. And because China is a major holder of United States Treasury debt and a major destination for American investment in recent years, any slowdown would also hurt American cpanies. Aware of the risks, Beijing has moved recently to tame its domestic growth and rein in soaring food and housing prices by raising interest rates, tightening regulations on property sales and restricting lending. (330 words)


  Source Text 2: (60 points)

  读到白居易一首写白菜的诗,写得真好:浓霜打白菜,霜威空自严。不见 菜心死,翻教菜心甜。面对满园的白菜,诗人一定也觉得做棵白菜其实是不错 的。.

  过去,农村几乎家家都要种白菜。从立秋下种,到小雪收获,要经历八个 节气的孕育。这段日子里,白菜长在农家的地头、院落,成为一首小令,一首 长调。别看白菜还小,从初生到长出几片肥硕鲜嫩的绿叶,便繁衍着农家的饭 碗的清香。

  清晨,母亲踩着晨露间下一筐嫩苗,回家洗净准备下锅,心急的父亲往往 先用焦黄的煎饼卷起几棵嫩叶,吃得齿颊生香。母亲则是将洗净的小白菜,切 成细末,再加豆面,做成白菜小豆腐吃。豆香、菜#很能打牙祭,熨贴肠胃的。 一顿吃不完,下顿用麻油、葱花、姜丝下锅,炒着吃,比原来更有滋味。过了 小雪,菜窖里屋檐下,堆满了青绿的白菜,如同院子里成山的柴火一样,让人 感到温暖无忧。(349字)






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