



2016-08-05 14:18:21来源:网络

  白色行情表 white sheet

  白色农业 "white agriculture (also called ""white engineering agriculture""; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)"

  白手起家 starting from scratch

  白雪公主 Snow White

  半边天 half the sky

  班车 shuttle bus板儿寸 crew cut

  办公室恋情 office romance (31% workers in the US said they married the person they dated at work, according to a survey of 8,038 workers released by CareerBuilder.com. The office romance survey also said more men (14%) than women (5%) reported they would like to date a colleague. 美国CareerBuilder.com网站公布的调查结果显示,31%的人和同事约会并喜结连理,调查对象为8038名成年全职职员。这项关于办公室恋情的调查还显示,14%的男性乐意与同事约会,但仅有5%的女性持相同态度。)

  办公室设备 office equipment

  办公自动化 OA (Office Automation)

  半官方贸易 semi-official trade

  颁奖大会 award presentation ceremony

  半决赛 semifinal

  半决赛四强 four semifinalists

  半拉子工程 uncompleted project

  板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building

  斑马线 zebra crossing

  班门弄斧 teach one's grandma to suck eggs

  办年货 do New Year's shopping

  搬迁户 a relocated unit or household

  版权法 copyright law

  版权贸易 copyright business

  版权所有 copyright reserved; copyrighted

  伴生矿 associated minerals

  版税率 royalty rate

  半托 day care (for kids)

  半脱产 partly released from productive labor; partly released from one's regular work

  伴宴人员 escort

  搬运工人 transport worker

  伴飞卫星 accompanying satellite (Chinese scientists Sunday successfully directed the accompanying satellite BX-1 to begin circling the Shenzhou-7 spaceship, on an elliptical track of 4km multiplying 8km. 5日,在中国科学家监控下,神舟七号伴飞卫星顺利实现了在4×8公里椭圆轨道上环绕神七飞行的目标。)

  暴力拆迁 forced relocation (But forced relocation will be used if necessary so that the self-interests of a handful of people will not hurt the interests of the majority, said Zhang Qiong, deputy director of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office. 国务院法制办副主任张穹说,如果必要的话还是会采取强制拆迁的方式,这样才不会因为少数人的利益而影响到大多数人的利益。)

  暴力分拣 rough handling (The State Post Bureau has fined the Shanghai Jinqiao division of Shentong Express 10,000 yuan ($1,520) for rough handling of parcels. It is the first time the bureau has imposed such a punishment against a courier for rough handling. 国家邮政局已对上海浦东金桥申通快递有限公司做出罚款1万元的行政处罚。这是国家管理部门针对“暴力分拣”问题开出的首例罚单。)

  暴力片 splatter film

  保龄球 bowling

  保龄球馆 bowling alley

  包容性增长 inclusive growth (The theme of the meeting is "Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth". 这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。)

  保释 on bail

  保税仓库 bonded warehouse

  保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area; tax-protected zone

  保外帮教 remain out of custody by receiving help from the family or work unit

  报喜不报忧 report only the good but not the bad

  保息股票 guaranteed stock

  报销 apply for reimbursement

  包销人 underwriter

  包修、包换、包赔制度 system of thee guarantees for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products

  保障措施 supporting measures

  保障性住房 indemnificatory housing (China has allocated more than 60 billion yuan ($8.85 billion) to build 5.8 million indemnificatory apartments to curb the skyrocketing housing prices, said Jiang Weixin, minister of housing and urban-rural development, at the 2010 China Mayors Forum on Saturday. 住房和城乡建设部部长姜伟新周六在2010中国市长论 坛上表示,中央已下拨600多亿元(88.5亿美元)建造580万套保障性住房,以遏制飞涨的房价。) 保证金账户 margin account






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