



2016-08-05 14:18:39来源:网络

  长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe "

  长期国债 long-term government bonds

  常设国际法庭 permanent international tribunal

  唱双簧 play a duet----collaborate; echo each other

  畅通工程 Smooth Traffic Project

  长途电话 long-distance calls

  场外证券市场 over-the-counter market

  常委会 standing committee

  常务董事 managing director; executive director

  常务理事 executive member of the council

  长线产品 product in excessive supply

  畅销货 best selling lines (All these articles are best selling lines. 所有这些产品都是我们的畅销货。)

  倡议书 initial written proposal

  长治久安 a long period of stability; prolonged political stability; lasting political stability

  常驻代表 permanent representative

  常驻记者 resident correspondent

  常驻联合国代表 permanent representative to the United Nation

  常驻使节 permanent envoy

  长期建设国债 long-term treasury bonds for construction

  长途航班 long-haul flight (As the economic crisis forces carriers to look for savings, Air France has become the 1st airline to introduce surcharges for the seats next to emergency exits or at the front of rows, where long legs can be stretched out. The £40 will first be applied to s, according to an Air France spokesman. 受经济危机影响,法国航空公司为缩减开支将在业内率先加收乘客伸腿费。据悉,法航将提高紧急出口旁边和第一排座位的机票价格,理由是这些座位可提供更大的伸腿空间。法航一发言人称,为额外伸腿空间支付的费用为40英镑,计划首先在长途航班上收取。)

  产权和资产出让 property right and asset transfer

  产权界定 delimitation of property rights

  产权收益 income from property

  超编人员 exceed personnel

  超大城市 megacity behemoth (By then eight cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Wuhan, will have populations of more than 10 million with some already megacity behemoths. 到那时,北京、上海、成都、重庆、广州、深圳、天津、武汉这八个城市将成为人口超过一千万的超大城市,而其中有些城市已经成为超大城市。)

  超导元素 superconducting elements

  超短波 ultrashort wave超负荷运转 overloaded operation

  超高速巨型计算机 giant, ultra-high-speed computer

  超国民待遇 super-preferential policies (Early on in its reform and opening to foreign enterprise, China launched super-preferential tax policies for international companies in a bid to propel its economic growth, and the internationals were exempt from some taxes. 在对外资企业开放的早期,我国就在税收方面对外企实行“超国民待遇”,以促进经济发展。外资企业得以免除部分税费。)

  炒汇 speculate in foreign currency

  超级巨型油轮 ultra large crude carrier

  炒金热 stock-market fever

  炒买炒卖 speculation

  超期羁押 detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits

  超前教育 superior education

  超前精神 a surpassing spirit

  超前消费 pre-mature consumption; overconsume; excessive consumption

  超前意识 superior consciousness

  超生人口 exrta birth (The capital is urging parents who have broken family planning policies to register their extra births before Nov 1. 北京市正敦促违反计划生育政策的父母在11月1日前为超生人口登记。)

  超生游击队 (sarcastic) people who give more births than birth quota allows

  超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

  潮汐电站 tidal power stations

  超现实主义 surrealism

  超载过牧 overgraze

  超支户 household (or family) living perpetually in debt

  炒作 speculation (stock); sensationalization (news)

  炒作 hype (Don't take media reports on the new movie seriously. Some reports are just hype. 看有关这部新片的报道可别当真,有些纯粹是炒作。)

  朝鲜半岛核问题 the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula

  查票 ticket checking

  车船使用税 vehicle and vessel tax (Thirty-year-old Chen Xiaoyu asked the office on Tuesday to refund part of the vehicle and vessel tax he has paid this year because he, like all other Beijing drivers, is not able to drive one day each week as a result of the car limitation policy in the capital - the so-called "no-car day". 30岁的陈晓宇(音译)周二请(税务)局退还今年他所缴纳的部分车船使用税,因为他和所有其他北京驾车者一样,每周都有一天因为首都的“无车日”车辆限行政策而不能开车。)

  车船使用税 vehicle and vessel tax (Thirty-year-old Chen Xiaoyu asked the office on Tuesday to refund part of the vehicle and vessel tax he has paid this year because he, like all other Beijing drivers, is not able to drive one day each week as a result of the car limitation policy in the capital - the so-called "no-car day". 30岁的陈晓宇(音译)周二请(税务)局退还今年他所缴纳的部分车船使用税,因为他和所有其他北京驾车者一样,每周都有一天因为首都的“无车日”车辆限行政策而不能开车。) 扯后腿 hold (or pull) somebody back; be a drag on somebody

  车牌摇号 license-plate lottery (Starting on Friday, car registration will be allocated by a license-plate lottery system. 从周五开始,车辆登记将采用车牌摇号的方式进行。)

  扯皮 shirk; pass the buck






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